Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Beautiful Tallinn, Estonia

As most of you reading this blog know (or just look at the archive of posts), I’ve been quite a few places by now. But it’s been awhile since a place made me go “Wow!”

Welcome to Old Town, Tallinn, Estonia! Now THIS is a medieval town, where most of the buildings date from the 14th and 15th centuries, on a site that has been inhabited since at least the 11th century. Many of the buildings have been re-worked over the centuries, with some of the original architectural details being incorporated into 17th and 18th century facades, but the overall look and feel as you stroll the cobbled streets is one of stepping back 600 years. The original city walls are surprisingly intact, adding to sense of preservation in this beautiful little town within a city.

Estonians share common ancestry with the Finns, and their languages belong to the same group. Unfortunately, Estonians historically suffered a similar fate as the Finns – being always occupied or governed by another country (the Swedes, then the Russians). As you are probably aware, Estonia was swept into the Soviet Union at the end of World War II, reportedly against the wishes of the Estonian people, who longed for independence. The 50 or so years as part of the USSR were not kind to Estonia (to say the least), and this medieval gem suffered from disuse and neglect.

Independence and forward thinking government brought Estonia back to the world in 1991, and they are now part of the EU and NATO. However, tensions with Russia remain.

I arrived late in the day today with less than ideal light for photos. More tomorrow!

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